
Membership Critique Forums

JUMP (International Journal of Modern Poetry) A unique literary journal with new poetry or prose added weekly. Behind the Front Page is a password protected membership forum where experienced poets and editors give and receive feedback on their posted work. The forum includes submission boards for the front page, high level boards for critiquing poems members plan to submit elsewhere, a workshop board, boards for sharing poems socially, with blog/journal options coming soon, as well as discussion boards and places to post notices of publication and other good news. Membership is juried. Please read all rules and guidelines before signing up.

ScribbleCamp Going live soon, ScribbleCamp, like JUMP, will feature a juried, password protected membership critique forum as well as a Front Page journal. If your work is being declined by your dream magazines, consider a local or online critique group to help you shape up your writing! Both JUMP and ScribbleCamp are staffed by experienced volunteer editors, with many years’ tenure in online forums, including Califragile’s own Wren Tuatha. Both have a strong element of community. Simply sharing your work with other poets brings its own satisfaction.

Califragile Critiquing Services

Poets at all levels of experience sometimes want outside opinions of their work. Califragile offers a professional, in depth critique of your poetry, with a one week turnaround.

In her report, the editor will identify strengths and suggest areas for improvement, both of specific poems and of your craft in general. If relevant, the editor may suggest readings. She may share ideas of where to submit your work or how to further develop your skills. Her lens will be preparing your work for publication in a literary journal. Feel free to pose questions to the editor and discuss goals for your work in your request.


$20 for the first poem; $12 each for additional poem, five poems maximum, so:

1 poem $20
2 poems $32
3 poems $44
4 poems $56
5 poems $68

To Use Our Critiquing Services

Send a cover letter and your poems to the above email address:

IMPORTANT: Title your email CRITIQUE REQUEST so it’s not mistaken for a publication submission. Poems can be in the body of the email or in a doc. If in a doc, one poem per page, each poem no longer than two pages, no more than five poems total. Use a standard font, 12 point size. No fancy colors, just black.

Send your debit or credit payment to our account:

You don’t need to have a PayPal account to use our service. You’ll receive our detailed critique within one week. We look forward to serving you!

Submission Resources

The Seldom Herd Poetry and Goat Bulletin Board This is a Facebook group for poets and readers. Poets can post up to 2 publication announcements per week, and members can post any number of calls for submission. This is NOT a place to post your poetry.

Undertow Tanka Review This literary review, specializing in tanka, haiku, etc., is edited by Califragile‘s Featured Poet Sergio A. Ortiz!

Visit August Featured Poet Sergio A. Ortiz’ blog, as well!

Trish Hopkinson, aka The Selfish Poet, is our Featured Poet for September, 2017. For poetry and writing resources, no fee submission calls, editor interviews, and essays on craft, you can follow Trish Hopkinson’s blog via email or your favorite social media here:

“Trish Hopkinson may describe herself as a ‘selfish poet,’ but her site is an indispensable community hub for poetry lovers, with news and event listings, writing resources, and much more (including her own poems, of course).”–WordPress Discover

Hippie Chick Diaries “Wren Tuatha’s Complicated Adventures in Simple Living!” HCD had a long run as Wren’s popular, self-deprecating blog on life in an Intentional Community. Later Wren reported on her tour of Occupy encampments, teaching consensus and other direct action workshops. Now this blog is mostly inactive, with occasional posts on goat herding and poetry advice.

Intentional Community/Sustainability (info coming soon)

Fellowship of Intentional Communities and Federation of Egalitarian Communities

TRIBE: Choosing Intentional Community

Heathcote Community

Non-Violent Direct Action (info coming soon)

Food Not Bombs

Fiopa Consensus Collective

Seldom Herd Goat Rescue