Rain Patterns by Martin Willitts Jr.


The mysterious eyes of rain had concentrated,
purple and distant in the high branches like plums.

Not one drop, but a multitude. Not a grace note,
but a symphony where none of the musicians
have the same sheet music. Not an ending
spread out like a tablecloth,
but the disappointment of a supper
cold and forgotten when someone is late.

But it rained, nonetheless,
a temperamental child kicking and screaming.



Martin Willitts Jr has 24 chapbooks including the winner of the Turtle Island Quarterly Editor’s Choice Award, The Wire Fence Holding Back the World (Flowstone Press, 2017), plus 11 full-length collections including The Uncertain Lover (Dos Madres Press, 2018) and Home Coming Celebration (FutureCycle Press, 2019).


Painting by Guillaume Vogels.

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